#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. IME_SET(SetSts, WinTitle="A") { ControlGet,hwnd,HWND,,,%WinTitle% if (WinActive(WinTitle)) { ptrSize := !A_PtrSize ? 4 : A_PtrSize VarSetCapacity(stGTI, cbSize:=4+4+(PtrSize*6)+16, 0) NumPut(cbSize, stGTI, 0, "UInt") ; DWORD cbSize; hwnd := DllCall("GetGUIThreadInfo", Uint,0, Uint,&stGTI) ? NumGet(stGTI,8+PtrSize,"UInt") : hwnd } return DllCall("SendMessage" , UInt, DllCall("imm32\ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd", Uint,hwnd) , UInt, 0x0283 ;Message : WM_IME_CONTROL , Int, 0x006 ;wParam : IMC_SETOPENSTATUS , Int, SetSts) ;lParam : 0 or 1 } ~Esc::IME_SET(0) sc079::Return sc079 & h::left sc079 & j::down sc079 & k::up sc079 & l::right sc079 & o::Enter sc079 & i::Backspace
IDEに依存せず、EscでIMEオフでコマンドモードに戻り、変換キーをつぶして変換 + hjkl